January 27

Students Teaching Teachers

Over the last …. many…. years, I’ve had the opportunity to teach teachers new databases, tech tools, programs and frameworks.  Each and every time, my goal is to make the experience meaningful and relevant to the audience.  However, as we all know, professional development is not a ‘one size fits all’.  Every learner comes to the table with different skills sets, experiences and needs.  I’m often frustrated with myself afterwards as the pace was too fast, or too slow, or I left people overwhelmed, or even bored!

Last Monday, we had a professional learning day for teachers in our district and one team wanted to showcase their experience with the Apple movie making app CLIPS.  Students have been creating their own movies to document authentic learning experiences. For example, one teacher had her students create narrated scripts to demonstrate their  ability to use nonfiction text to create a “tour guide” experience for the audience.  Hearing their voices tell the story, and see the images presented,  is much more engaging than a five paragraph essay.  Also, students kept editing their scripts, and reworking the narration to improve the work.  It was an example of students driving the revision process.  Another classroom has used CLIPS to showcase new learning for the week, replacing a written newsletter.  Again, student driven, and students at the center of the work, vs. the teacher doing all the heavy lifting.

In our meetings, we bantered around the question of HOW to teach CLIPS to teachers? A step-by-step approach?  Have everyone watch us make one?  Give them a handout?  Show examples and talk about why this tool makes a difference?  Or….we could ask students to come to school on their day off and teach the teachers.  Jackpot!  Fourteen students agreed to come to school to teach teachers.  They were excited, eager and willing.  We gave the students a checklist of skills to cover.  The students taught, and the teachers learned.

It was a success!  Every teacher created their own Clips movie in the short 40-minute session.  Each teacher learned from a third grader.  Enthusiasm bubbled out of the students and it was a happy place!  Sometimes we make life harder than it needs to be.  Sometimes the very best tools are right under our noses…our students!  I want to look for more opportunities to empower our students to use their gifts and communication skills….stay tuned.



Posted January 27, 2019 by bethcampbell1 in category Uncategorized

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